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Community Spotlight:

Birthing Project USA

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Birthing Project USA (BPUSA), oriented by Kathryn Hall-Trujillo in 1988, is a global mental health non-profit organization with satellites in 13 countries. As the only African American based maternal organization of their kind, BPUSA’s goal is to improve the health of girls and women specifically as it relates to birth outcomes. Their approach is to uplift and encourage leadership from community members, putting into practice opposition to paternalistic medicalization of pregnancy. With a global resource center, they train doulas and provide technological assistance to replicate models and safe birth supplies for women across the world.

While the virus, COVID-19, has affected and continues to affect many people around the world, it is important to evaluate how systemic byproducts of the global pandemic are disproportionately affecting communities and individuals already experiencing systemic marginalization. Oppressive conditions such as houselessness, hunger, inability to access healthcare, etc. have been illuminated and exacerbated. In the words of Kathryn Hall-Trujilo “As a result of a non-comprehensive public health system, COVID-19 is only being looked at through a vacuum rather than at all the issues that are resulting from it”. In the midst of COVID-19, Birthing Project USA has been presented with significant additional adversities. As an organization they are looking for PPE and aren’t able to access assistance with HIV cases or birthing supplies. These supplies and assistance are resources that all these women need on a daily basis.

Despite these roadblocks, BPUSA maintains strong connections between pregnant people and services. “Virtual sister friend” was birthed with an intent of matching women with expecting mothers so that they could keep in contact, provide support, and connect the expecting mothers to resources. In a time that can feel so isolating and as if the world is forgetting about other important populations, this initiative has taken on a special importance.


Facebook: @birthingprojectusa

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